[(Update: On Monday, 4,893 tweets were shared with the #SciArt hashtag; the first 3 days have totaled 11,695 tweets! Results generated from Topsy.com. Results from Symbiartic )] As of March 1st, the Symbiartic team aspires to boost the number of images available within science communication and culture; so everyone is invited to join the hashtag #SciArt on twitter. So far there have been hundreds of thousand of tweets dedicated to #SciArt which has made it one of the top trending topics on twitter. ScientificAmerican blog imagines: "IF, for 1 week, half the people on that list tweeted 3 pieces of art, and retweeted others at least 5 times, all in one day. That’s 1,600 tweets containing #SciArt per day; 11,200 in a week . That will cause people to notice. Editors, journalists, researchers, educators, and maybe beyond." The ScientificAmerican blog has more information here to help you find out more and jo...