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Showing posts with the label Women in STEM

A day at the SciPEN workshop and a meetup with my STEM friends (instapost)

🔻English translation below🔻 في يوم الخميس الماضي ، التقيت مع العديد من أصدقائي في مجال العلوم خلال ورشة عمل حول سياسة العلوم لأول مرة. تم تنظيم ورشة العمل من قبل شبكة تبادل السياسات العلمية - SciPEN وكانت نظرة ثاقبة كبيرة لمهنة سياسة العلوم وما تنطوي عليه. أعتقد أن النقاط الثلاث الرئيسية للخريجين الذين يتطلعون إلى الدخول في مهنة في السياسة العلمية:

Beauty and Brains: My Opinion

Today’s post was brought to my attention by the awesome Samantha Yammine ( SamanthaZY on twitter) and she’s been a great leader of the fight against STEM stereotypes. (N.B This is not me! Photo from PIxabay CC0) Earlier this week, a popular cosmetics company launched a new product accompanied by a stereotypical slogan that refers to the idea that adorning a made-up face is more important than attending your lessons or lectures. I’m sure you’ve seen this advertisement shared around social media and I don’t think the company needs any more advertisement than the current social media attention it is currently receiving.  All over Twitter and Instagram, women in STEM have been responding with outrage, to the advertisement, sharing their beautiful selfies and their powerful academic credentials.  We, as Women In STEM, will not give in to stereotypes and we will not be silenced.  Every one of us is pursuing her career to the fullest, whether we’re in undergrad, ...