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Showing posts from 2018

Seven things I wish I knew before I started my master's degree (PART 2)

So you've got your place, registered with your university and ready to study, study, study! So here are a few study tips from my personal experience.

Tips on how to apply for a masters degree and secure your place (PART 1)

Returning to academia... A masters degree is a big deal and a serious financial decision so it needs a lot of thought before you begin the application process and you need to be able to answer the following questions before reading the rest of this post.

Has Science Found An Elixir of Eternal Youth?

Why are we obsessed with eternal youth and dreams of living forever? And can it really lead us to new scientific breakthroughs?

Four Years of Science Blogging and Communicating Science!

I almost completely forgot that exactly four years ago today, I launched my blog! 🎊 Four years ago!  I've not been active on my blog lately, mainly because I'm working on my dissertation and my future career steps after my masters is finally over🕐😭

My First Published Article in Kinesis Magazine

As most of you know, one of my goals is to become a published science writer... and part of that is becoming a reality! With my first magazine article that has been published in Kinesis Magazine (a student-led magazine in UCL ). “More Research is Needed” and Other Clichés My article is an analysis of the use of the phrase "more research is needed" and other paraphrases, where we look at the implications of the phrase and how the 'public' receives that phrase, especially when it is coming from a scientist -- who is expected to know all the answers and have conclusive results... Have a read through my first article and let me know what you think in the comments!

How 'amazing' is the migraine jab?

Today may be a normal day for all of us, we get up to go to work, university or school and carry out our daily routine… but this is most of us - not all of us. We may be the lucky ones who have not been cursed with dreaded migraines, causing the most unfortunate of us to seek refuge in our bedrooms like owls who only appear during the night. Robyn*, a migraine sufferer has seen her mother and her auntie go through a difficult time with migraines and at the age of 40, she became a victim herself. On the days she yearned to be outside, sociable, proactive, she was imprisoned in a dark room, no sound, no lights and no smells (they all make her headaches worse and make her throw up). She’s tried a lot of medications, none seem to at least shorten the time period that the dark cloud takes over.  But now, thanks to science, she may be able to experience a brighter future. This is because of a new advancement in migraine history. The first migraine drug to prove successful in 20 y...