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Showing posts from May, 2016

One Paragraph on Origami Surgical Robots

New experiments conducted as a simulation of the human oesophagus and stomach, have shown that a tiny origami robot that can unfold itself from a swallowed capsule and, steered by external magnetic fields, crawl across the stomach wall to remove a swallowed button battery or patch a wound. Could we already be seeing the future in the technology of surgeries? This isn’t the first time that this type of technology has been introduced to the world. A predecessor was introduced last year at the International Conference on Robotics and Automation . Even though this years new robot is a successor to one reported at the same conference last year, the design of its body is significantly different. Like its predecessor, it can propel itself using what's called a "stick-slip" motion, in which its appendages stick to a surface through friction when it executes a move, but slip free again when its body flexes to change its weight distribution. Also like its predecessor -- a...

Paracetamol Switches Off Your Empathy

Paracetamol is the most common painkiller which we all rely on to treat our aches and pains, but it turns out that you might also be  decreasing your empathy for both the physical and social pains that other people experience, a new study conducted at Ohio State University suggests.  It turns out that paracetamol may not only be a painkiller but also an emotion-killer. Researchers found that, for example, when participants in the study took paracetamol and were informed of the misfortunes of others  they thought these individuals experienced less pain and suffering,when compared to those who took no painkiller. "These findings suggest other people's pain doesn't seem as big of a deal to you when you've taken acetaminophen," said Dominik Mischkowski, co-author of the study and a former Ph.D. student at Ohio State, now at the National Institutes of Health. "Acetaminophen can reduce empathy as well as serve as a painkiller." This research ...